Welcome new HPC members
Na Cai’s team is rapidly growing and gaining knowledge and experience from different backgrounds in order to achieve the ultimate goal of revealing novel insights on the genetics of major depression.
Forward looking review of the genetics of heterogeneity in depression
Dr. Na Cai’s review on the genetics of heterogeneity in depression: operationalizations, manifestations and etiologies is now published in Human Molecular Genetics!
Nina Compera at SoapBox-Science!
Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do.
Helmholtz Enterprise Grant to foster spin-off ambitions at Helmholtz Pioneer…
München - Berlin. May 10th, 2020
An international team led by Dr. Thomas Bischof, consisting of scientists and clinicians based at Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, has secured a prestigious ‘Helmholtz Enterprise’ grant, which…
Matthias Meier: co-recipient of BMBF Innovation Award and project leader of…
One of today’s grand medical challenges is an increasing shortage of organ donors. Laboratory-grown, functional organ replacements could present a viable alternative. The German Federal Ministry of Research and Education…
What the architecture of photosynthetic membranes teaches us about carbon…
Dr. Ben Engel’s paper on mapping the organization of photosynthetic proteins within native thylakoid membranes is now published in eLife!
Vera Manelli receives prestigious Boehringer Ingelheim Fellowship
With a Master in Molecular Biology from the Unversity of Milan, Vera Manelli joined the team of Dr. Boyan Bonev at the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC) in July 2019. Using transcriptomic and single-locus proteomics…
Building the future of health
watch the new HPC video and see what the vision, the mission and the basic idea of the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus is about.
BIOENG 2020 has been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic
We regret to have to inform you that BIOENG 2020 has been postponed. The spread of the COVID-19 virus, and its effects, remain unpredictable, and we felt it necessary to protect the health and safety of all individuals…
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